Thursday, 19 May 2016

I Don't Understand This Injustice Of Women Against Men

Open To criticism and debate 

Read below....

I don't understand why if a husband becomes a president, Governor or even a local government chairman, his wife automatically becomes the first Lady with functions, but when a wife attain such positions, what becomes of the husband.

I don't understand why the wife or widow of a king ♔ is a queen but can the husband or a widower of a queen ♕ becomes a king ♔? Hell No.

I don't understand why we have few female scholars. 

I don't understand why we have ministry of women affairs and non for men, yet they cry a river. 

I still don't understand why, when talking of scientific discoveries and inventions, few female names are mentioned, yet they hold onto the old saying "anything a man do, a woman can do better". I don't understand.

I don't understand why we have glamorous women's day, mothers' day but the same cannot be said of the opposite. Still women preach gender equality. Who is the victim/ victimizer of gender inequality. I don't just understand. 

I don't understand why would a girl upload a picture on a social media and thousands of "likes" and "comments" would pour in from guys, but when a guy does same, only few or non of such "likes" and "comments". 

Even though we have fathers, brothers, uncles, nephews and we love them both, yet no one write good things about them. Am still yet to understand. 

I don't understand why a man marries a wife and takes her to his house but not the other way round.

I don't understand why we claim, we don't like some one but cry when he/she dies. Please when I die don't cry for me. 

I don't understand why women likes cooking more than men. 

I don't understand why men do pay bride price but women do not pay "groom-price" (in most part of the world).

Written by Alfred Ulan

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